2 Beginner’s Tips to Getting Better Returns With Google Ads – Our Guide

Running Google Ads campaigns is an investment that can make your businesses a lot of money. If managed carefully, paid advertising can bring more customers to your website and ultimately, net you more sales. Given the fact that paid advertising is, well, paid, though, you need to be smart about how you go about implementing your campaign to ensure it gets good returns.

If you aren’t already familiar with how Google Ads works, we’ll give you a quick overview. It’s essentially a tool that lets you rank among the search engine’s top results for your given set of keywords. Every click that your ads generate will cost you money, but each one also has the potential to generate more.

What this means is that you have to do your best to ensure that those clicks have a high potential for converting to a sale or other beneficial actions. After all, you don’t want to be spending money on ads that yield little-to-no return.

In this article, we’ll go over a couple of practical tips to help you maximize your ad budget so that most of the people who click on your ads are more likely to become customers.

1. Find the right keywords in the first place

Google Ads used to be called AdWords for a good reason. The PPC platform relies heavily on keywords and phrases which you have to pay for in order to reach customers.

Now, would you want to pay for keywords that don’t necessarily help your business? Obviously, you wouldn’t. It’s important to ensure that every dollar you spend is being put to good use. The first step of doing so is to have an idea of what the right keywords for your business are.

Start with a broad idea of your product or service and then narrow it down further from there. There are many tools to help you do this, and Google Ads has a handy feature built right into it to help you get started. Use a mix of several keywords that you think are relevant to your business so that you can optimize your ad spend.

2. Use targeting tactics to hone in on your market

Even after you’ve got your main keywords all planned out, it’s important to exclude certain searches from picking up your ads. This helps you avoid having to pay for clicks that probably won’t go on to convert. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest ones include geotargeting and negative keywords.

Geotargeting is just like the term suggests. It’s a way to limit your ad displays to searches performed in a certain geographic area. Let’s say your business provides law consultancy services in New York, for example. You don’t want your ads to be displayed anywhere else because you don’t serve other areas. With geotargeting, your ads will only show up to people in New York, thereby maximizing their potential to convert.

Negative keywords work similarly. Going back to our example, you don’t want your ads to display on searches for lawyer training courses as that is probably not a service you provide. By adding negative keywords such as “training” and “school,” you minimize the chances of your ads reaching the wrong people.


Apart from the tips mentioned above, there are other, more specialized ways of yielding better returns with your Google Ads campaign. We’ve barely scratched the surface here, and PPC is only part of the total equation. Other concepts you need know about include monitoring your ad campaign’s performance and optimizing your landing pages.

We’ll be happy to walk you through those topics if you need more guidance. Here at Akby, our aim is to help companies navigate the world of paid advertising and get real results. Get in touch with us today if you need our help.

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